How Web Browsers Work: A Deep Dive into the Internet's Gateway

How Web Browsers Work: A Deep Dive into the Internet's Gateway

Web Development
Browser Engines
JavaScript Engines
July 25, 2024
In today's digital age, web browsers are our primary interface with the vast expanse of the internet. But have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when you type a URL into your browser's address bar? Let's explore the intricate workings of web browsers, complete with some technical details and a minimalist code example.

The Anatomy of a Web Browser

At its core, a web browser is a complex piece of software comprising several key components:
  1. User Interface
  1. Browser Engine
  1. Rendering Engine
  1. Networking
  1. JavaScript Engine
  1. Data Storage

The Journey of a Web Page Request

When you enter a URL, here's what typically happens:
  1. URL Parsing: The browser parses the URL to determine the protocol, domain, and path.
  1. DNS Lookup: It performs a DNS lookup to translate the domain name into an IP address.
  1. TCP Connection: The browser establishes a TCP connection with the server.
  1. HTTP Request: It sends an HTTP request to the server.
  1. Server Response: The server processes the request and sends back an HTTP response.
  1. Content Download: The browser downloads the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other resources.
  1. Parsing and Rendering: The browser parses the HTML and builds the DOM (Document Object Model) tree.
  1. CSS Processing: It processes CSS and constructs the CSSOM (CSS Object Model).
  1. Render Tree Construction: The browser combines the DOM and CSSOM to create the render tree.
  1. Layout: It calculates the layout of each visible element.
  1. Painting: Finally, it paints the pixels on the screen.


Let's look at a simple example of how a browser might start to parse HTML:
class DOMNode: def __init__(self, tag, attributes, children): self.tag = tag self.attributes = attributes self.children = children def parse_html(html): # This is a very simplified parser stack = [] current_node = None for token in html.split(): if token.startswith('<') and not token.startswith('</'): tag = token[1:-1] new_node = DOMNode(tag, {}, []) if current_node: current_node.children.append(new_node) stack.append(new_node) current_node = new_node elif token.startswith('</'): stack.pop() if stack: current_node = stack[-1] else: current_node = None return stack[0] if stack else None # Usage html = "<html><body><h1>Hello</h1><p>World</p></body></html>" dom_tree = parse_html(html)
This simplified example demonstrates how a browser might begin to construct a DOM tree from HTML. In reality, browser engines are far more complex, handling various edge cases, attributes, text nodes, and more.

The Rendering Engine

The rendering engine is responsible for displaying the requested content. Different browsers use different rendering engines:
  • Chrome and Opera: Blink
  • Firefox: Gecko
  • Safari: WebKit
  • Edge: EdgeHTML (now Blink)

JavaScript Engine

The JavaScript engine executes JavaScript code. Some popular JS engines include:
  • V8 (Chrome, Node.js)
  • SpiderMonkey (Firefox)
  • JavaScriptCore (Safari)


Web browsers are marvels of modern software engineering, seamlessly integrating numerous technologies to deliver the web experience we often take for granted. Understanding their inner workings not only satisfies our curiosity but also helps web developers create more efficient and performant websites.As web technologies continue to evolve, so too will browsers, constantly adapting to provide faster, more secure, and more feature-rich experiences for users worldwide.